Filming in Concord

Learn how you can capture concord's charm

As part of Visit Concord’s role to promote tourism and attract visitors to the city of Concord, we are developing a “Film in Concord” outreach.

The film industry seeks extremely diverse locations. Filming used to be done primarily in major market cities. With space and access limitations - producers and filmmakers now look to various towns and cities that have a filmmaking infrastructure – including an initial point of contact (Visit Concord), good locations and production space.

We have witnessed the film industry growth in Vallejo, Napa, Petaluma, Benicia and more. In addition to the exposure for a destination, being part of a film production brings additional revenue to the featured businesses as well as hotels, restaurants and local attractions.

Visit Concord will post a list of available film locations on our website. We will also conduct outreach to location scouts to let them know Concord is a viable destination for filming.

Visit Concord will be the initial point of contact. Our team will take the inquiry – vetting the source, and then share the details with relevant partners. Since every situation is unique – pricing, negotiation and parameters will be up to each individual partner.

For City of Concord film requests, apply at the Permit Center

Interested in Participating?

Please complete the form below and return it to Beth Javens at

Download Participation Form

Contra Costa County Film Permit Application

Encroachment 1A Form

City of Concord Film Request


Beth Javens

Executive Director
Office: 925.685.1182

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