Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge

This event has expired and is here for your reference.

  • Admission: FREE
  • Location:
    Contra Costa County

2024 Sustainable Movement Challenge

The Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge makes it simple to take action and save money, energy, water, reduce waste and build strong, connected communities. We help with tips, action guides, resources, and custom estimates on your impact and savings from actions. The platform tracks your progress and makes it easy to connect and work with your friends, neighbors, or any community you belong to.

Join the Challenge today and learn how you can help! Together, we can all make a difference and create a safer, healthier future for our community and a better today. We have the power to keep our communities clean, healthy, and vibrant for current and future generations.

Now - MARCH 31st! Chance to win a $50 Sports Basement Gift Card!

¡Oportunidad de ganar una tarjeta de regalo de Sports Basement de $50!

Kick off 2024 by walking more and reducing your carbon footprint with the Sustainable Movement Challenge! Just by playing, you’ll be entered into a drawing (in early April) to win a $50 gift card to Sports Basement!

Make sure you signed up and logged into the Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge to access incentives and earn points for all the below "Actionable Links" that you Mark As Complete.

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